This Holy Man From India Hasn't Eaten For 70 Years


A holy man in India claims that he has not eaten or drank anything for 70 years. 

Prahlad Jani is the 83-year old man who lives in a cave near Amba JI Temple without any kind of food or water. Mr. Jani claims that he has left his home at the age of seven, searching for spiritual mystery, and at the age of eleven years, he was blessed by holy goddess Amba.

Ever since that blessing, Prahlad Jani claims that he lives without food and water as he has gained his sustenance from the nectar that filters down through a hole in his palate. His claims were scientifically studied by a team of 30 specialists during three weeks of a variety of tests at a hospital.

Mr. Jani was put under 24 hour observation in front of cameras and found out that he did not eat any kind of food or water in the 15 days that he was emitted in the hospital. Interesting to note is that he also did not pass any urine or stool. 
The doctors were completely shocked!link